A site dedicated to making sure Oklahomans have their voices heard.
Who is eligible to vote in Oklahoma?
The following is taken from a page on the Oklahoma State Election Board’s website:
You can register to vote if you are a citizen of the United States, a resident of the State of Oklahoma, and at least 18 years old or meet the age requirement to pre-register.
- Pre-registration – Persons who are at least 17½ years old may pre-register to vote in Oklahoma if they meet all eligibility requirements. Applicants who pre-register cannot vote until they turn 18 years old and the application has been approved by the applicant’s County Election Board Secretary. Applicants will be mailed a Voter ID card upon approval of their registration.
- Persons Convicted of a Felony – A person convicted of a felony may register to vote when he or she has fully served his or her sentence of court-mandated calendar days, including any term of incarceration, parole or supervision, or completed a period of probation ordered by any court. A convicted felon who has been pardoned may register.
- Persons Judged Incapacitated – Persons judged incapacitated by a court may not register to vote.
How do I register to vote in Oklahoma?
The same link above explains how to register to vote in Oklahoma either online, through the mail, or at your local county election board.
When’s the next election in Oklahoma?
Oklahoma’s next election is the general election on November 5th.
You can find information on early voting (technically called in-person absentee voting) at this link from the state election board’s website.
You can always see when the next Oklahoma election is on the state election board’s website.
The same website has a link to a 2024 Oklahoma election calendar.
Who’s on the ballot in the next election in Oklahoma?
Once you are registered, you can see a sample ballot that is tailored to your voting district(s) and your party affiliation from the State Election Board’s Voter Portal.
The same link also has other useful information, and you can even use it to request an absentee ballot or update your voter registration.
Where do I vote in Oklahoma?
The same Oklahoma Voter Portal linked to above will show you exactly where your polling place is, as well as where your local county election board is, which is where you can vote early (i.e., absentee in person) on eligible dates.
Exercise your right to vote every election!
OK To Vote has no government affiliation, it is merely a directory of existing information put together by an OKC resident who wants to make sure that every eligible voter in Oklahoma can have their voice heard.